Saturday, 30 July 2011

The Excrutiating Pain of Finding Out Your Child Has Been Abused By Someone You Trusted & Loved

When you find out your child has been abused by someone you trusted and loved, not only are you devastated by what has happened to your child, but by the betrayal of someone whom you cared about.

In my case this person who betrayed me was like a father to me... the only person who had ever really been there for me after growing up in an abusive home as a child and ending up in foster care.  It would seem in hind sight that I was only easy prey....

Still this pain was excrutiating, and still hurts 12 years later.  When I first found out what happend to my child and as the disclosures from my child revealed more significat abuse, this song "Foolish Games", by Jewel was a song I played over and over again... relating to specific parts of the song such as "You're tearing me apart", "This is my heart, bleeding before you, this is me down on my knees...", "Excuse me, I think I've mistaken you for someobody else, somebody who gave a damn, somebody more like myself..."

Truly my heart was bleeding, and I was down on my knees and had mistaken Henning to be someone he was not...

I would sometimes go to the park and swing as high as I could on the swing.... I still have the image of the blue sky with white billowy clouds in my mind... as I swung as high as ever staring straight into the sky, almost numb with pain...thinking this song in my head... other times I would just sit and cry, and others I would become so overcome with emotion I would scream out at the top of my lungs "WHY, WHY, WHY!!!", as I laid in my bed and kicked the walls and pounded my fists over and over again into my bed and the pillows.....

Another part of the song says "I hid my soiled hands behind my back...", and for me that relates to the extreme guilt that I carried knowing that I had trusted this man and allowed my child to go freely with him...  It took 7 years of counselling to forgive myself and to try and let that guilt not dibilitate my life anymore, but I will never truly overcome that...

Not ALL the lyrics in this song match my situation, but the emotion of this song, and the verses do, and still brings tears to my eyes...

The Haunting Fear of Having a Drug Addicted Child....

Since the passing of Amy Winehouse, I have viewed some of the links posted out there re the before and after effects of drugs and alcohol in her life.

It is this that makes me so very scared for my own child.  I don't blame her for being an addict... her addiction started at only 12 years of age, and I think has been and continues to be a way of burying the pain of reality after surviving such traumatic events at the hands of her abuser.

I would however hope that she as an adult now, will grow to value the importance of seeking help and to overcome her addiction and the pain of her past that has scarred her.

I pray for my daughter each and every day....

Amy Winehouse..... Rest peacefully...

Thursday, 21 July 2011

It's Been a Long Road....

Thank you to "WesternAgent", on Twitter for sending me the link to this song..... Greg, your kind words and messages whether in word or song mean a lot to me.... this particular song really hit home and I want to share.

Thanks for inspiring me once again...

For my beautiful daughter as well.... these words could mean a lot for you to overcome.... so many people all over the world send me warm wishes for you.... you are loved by many...

Friday, 8 July 2011

In Some of my Darkest Moments This Song Gave me Strength

In some of my darkest moments this song gave me strength.  Music has always helped to inspire me and songs of hope helped to give me strength.

I now pray that my daughter will make it through the rain and be strong enough to mend.
Dedicated to my daughter who has suffered so very much... I love you!!!

My Beautiful Daughter...

Saturday, 2 July 2011

If you are Lost We Will Find You....

This song I post as not a love song as it orignated, but as a song of love for the lost women in British Columbia.... we will find you ....

Where Can my Baby Be???

This is a remake of an old song, and the words are different than the circumstances of the lost, but the emotion in the song and the yearn for their loved one says it all...

Many times myself  I wonder, where can my baby be???

Friday, 1 July 2011

Voices of the Lost

The March/April 2011 Edition of Crime Watch Canada Magazine Published a Poem by
Liz Chipman, on the Missing Women in British Columbia.



This is my poem written in response...

You Are Not Alone

You Have Vanished, but You are not Alone
You are in the Hearts of Those who Love You
You are in the Thoughts and Prayers of so Many who Care
You are a Human Being, a Beautiful Angel Who Needs to Sleep
I Will Not Rest Until I find Your Peace
You Have not Left Us, for You Live Within Us
It is Through Your Memory That we Have the Strength to Fight for Your Justice
Our Love for You is Infinite and Can Find You, Though You are Lost
I Promise That the Warmth of Millions of Hearts are With You to Keep You Warm
In the Dark of Night, Please Find This Energy That Yearns to Find You
Please Know That You Still Have a Name, You are Missed, and You are Loved
We Think About You Endlessly for Every Single Day
I Pray to Find You Peace and to let You Finally Rest
You are so Brave and You are Respected
You are a Beautiful Angel who Needs to Sleep
For So Many of Us our Fight For you Will Never Go Away...

May God Embrace You in His Loving Arms

Dedicated to the Missing Women in British Columbia

by Melody Wall, July 1, 2011